CD+/DVD+/Evolution of File Sharing
I grew up a couple decades ago during the period when Reel 2 Reels, Cassettes, Vinal Records, Compact Disks & DVDs were all used by the general public for entertainment and file sharing. I admit that I never really looked that these items mentioned as sources of file sharing. Now that I am learning about Digital Media, I am now becoming aware of my abilities to use these resources for my own benefit , and the benefit of others including my mum, whom I will discuss further later. In my opinion the Compact Disk is still relevant in today's use of file sharing. I have a laptop that has capabilities to read Compact Disks and DVDs and with the proper software, I can burn files to disk and record disks which is still pretty useful even in today's digital age. Although Digital Media does continue to evolve, depictions of the desolate future tell us that the surviving members of society will have to revert to the old hoarded equipment for probable underground communication, entertainment, and file sharing. Although we people of society tend to oust the old and embrace the new trends as they continue debut, premier, update, etc. I like my mother and father tend to hoard things that are seemingly obsolete. My mum who lives and works in Southern California still uses DVDs for entertainment today, because she pays my nana's cable bill who lives and is retired in Sacramento, CA. Now that I think of it, I could quite easily keep my mother entertained by using my resources to record CDs and DVDs as she can not afford the latest gadgets with the latest technologies. However, some of the older technologies with the proper connective adapters can still be kept and used, and may even hold some kind of collective value some day. Unfortunately, many of the old device are to heavy and require wires in a world that is lite and wireless. But as long as there is functioning equipment that may be forgotten by most, yet the few mindful people that hoard these things will do what it takes to make these things work. Whether it means finding adapters or keeping nests of wires, one can still output old technologies over Bluetooth on way or another. But why even bother with all the old the headaches, and tripping hazards and such? Well the answer to that could be that chasing the latest technologies is costly, and not everybody can afford to stream Netflix n chill. And although Blockbuster Video is no longer around, there are Redbox kiosks available at select Walgreens and Seven Eleven stores. I still today have boxes and cases full of CDs and DVDs in my storage unit. And I will find a way to make use of them as long as I have the compatible equipment. I realize that some of my ideas can be seen as far fetched, but my experiences in the various forms of art classes that I’ve attended here at the University of Tampa tell me that I can turn my old hoarding ways into some form of art. If nothing else, I can take all the CDs and DVDs that I own and create some kind of Collage Art piece. As a matter of fact, I may just do that one day. And just as file sharing devices evolve, so does art.
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